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Grade 7~9

Math 9, Sample Quiz

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1.     The algebraic equation with the same meaning as the phrase:

"When a number is multiplied by six and then increased by two, the result is fourteen", is:

A) 6x + 2 = 14
B) 6x = 14 + 2
C) (x + 6) + 2 = 14
D) x + 6(2) = 14


Jane makes wedding cakes. Each cake consists of layers held up by columns. 3 columns are needed to hold the space between the layers:


3.     The formula which best represents the number of columns (c) in terms of the number of layers of cake (L) is:

4.     A) L = (c – 1) × 3
B) c = (L – 1) × 3
C) c = L × 3
D) L = c × 3


There are 272 students at Memorial Junior High. All students are participating in a Battle of the Homeroom Superstars tournament. Each team consists of 4 students.

6.     Using the rules of divisibility, how many students would be left over once the teams of 4 had been created?

7.     A) 3
B) 2
C) 1
D) 0


Mrs. Smith is designing some jewelry. She wants a basic pattern (pearl, ruby, sapphire) repeated 6 times around a necklace.

9.     If the total length of the necklace, n, is to be 24 cm, what length must the basic pattern, p, be?

10.  A)
6 + p = n
p = 18 cm

p ÷ 6 = n
p = 144 cm

6 ÷ n = p
p = 0.25 cm

n ÷ 6 = p
p = 4 cm

11.  To calculate the perimeter of a rectangle, add the length and the width and double the answer. Which of the formulas below could be used to calculate the perimeter of a rectangle?

A) P = x + 2L + x + 2W
B) P = 2 (L + W)
C) P = 2L × 2W
D) P = 2 + (L) × 2 + (W)

12.  An unknown number is multiplied by 2, divided by 7 and then multiplied by 4. The answer is 16. What was the number?



A) 16
B) 32
C) 28
D) 14

13.  You are given the algebraic equation: y = 3x

Which of the below statements is the best description of this equation?

A) The value of y is three less than the value of x
B) The value of x is triple the value of y
C) The value of y is one third the value of x
D) The value of y is triple the value of x


North Lane Junior High students participated in an intramural floor hockey tournament. The graph below shows the shots on goal versus the actual goals scored.


15.  How many goals would be scored if there were 35 shots on goal?

16.  A) 18
B) 19
C) 20
D) 21

17.  Which word statement best describes   – 5 ?

A) A number times two minus five.
B) Five less than one–half of a number.
C) A number minus five divide in half.
D) Twice a number decreased by five.

18.  Neil finds that if he triples his age and adds 6, he gets his mother's age. Which of the equations below best represents this relationship? (You can assume that n = Neil's age and m = Neil's mother's age)

A) n = 3m + 6
B) m = 3n + 6
C) m = n + 6
D) m = 3n – 6

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